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Spondiloartroz lumbosacral lülisamba psühhosomaatilised põhjused

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Purpose: To assess the prevalence and degree of lumbosacral transitional vertebrae (LSTV) in the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) cohort, to assess whether LSTV correlates with low back pain (LBP) and buttock pain, and to assess the reproducibility of grading.Nov 28, 2012 Background: The relationship between lumbosacral transitional vertebrae and low back pain is not clear. This controversy has been quite intriguing and has been the stimulus for carrying out this present study. The aim of this study was to determine, by plain radiography, if there is a relationship between .Oct 31, 2011 Surgeons still have many different views on the clinical significances of the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae as one of the causes of chronic low back pain and a higher incidence of adjacent disc degeneration. Moreover, in rare case reports, compression of the exiting nerve root due to abnormal .Jul 6, 2009 Lumbosacral transitional vertebra is an anatomical variation of the fifth lumbar vertebra in which an enlarged transverse process can form a joint or fusion with the sacrum or ilium. The association of that variant with low back pain and the change in the biomechanical properties of the lumbar spine is called .Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2006 Jan-Feb;47(1):39-44. A lumbosacral transitional vertebra in the dog predisposes to cauda equina syndrome. Flückiger MA(1), Damur-Djuric N, Hässig M, Morgan JP, Steffen F. Author information: (1)Section of Diagnostic Imaging and Radio-Oncology, Department of Small Animal Clinics, .

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